- Infants/children: Come to the office parish to schedule in your child's baptism. Baptism rite is usually held on the First Sunday of each month @ 1:30pm in English and Third Sunday of each month @ 1:30pm in Spanish. Bring your child's Birth Certificate and from Godparents if they are single Proof of Confirmation and Married bring Proof of Marriage Certificate in the Catholic Church.
- Niños: Favor de presentarse a la oficina parroquial para programar un Bautizo. Los bautizos se realizan el primer Domingo de cada mes a la 1:30pm en Ingles y el Tercer Domingo de cada mes en Español a la 1:30pm. Necesitara traer el acta de nacimiento del /la bebé. De los padrinos si son solteros copia del certificado de Confirmación y si son casados copia del acta de matrimonio por la Iglesia.
Holy Matrimony/Matrimonio
- Come to the office Parish for arrangements 6 months before the wedding date. Bring copy of Groom/Bride Baptism, First Holy Communion and Confirmation Certificate. Donation $500
- Pre-marriage course required.
- Venga a la oficina Parroquial para programar su boda. Los contrayentes deben traer copia de su matrimionio por el civil, copia de acta de bautizo, primera comunión y confirmación. Se pide una donación de $500 dolares.
- Clases prematrimoniales son necesarias. Wedding Form
- Please call or come to the Parish office for arrangements and requirements. Donation $300.00
- Favor de llamar o venir a la oficina parroquial para requisitos. Donación $300.00 Funeral/Memorial Form
First Holy Communion/Reconciliation/Confirmation
- Preparation to receive the life-giving sacraments is achieved through the Religious Education Program for children.
- Classes begin with the parent meeting for all enrolled children on August 2025 for English and for Spanish speakers. Some classes may be full, please call 520-867-8579 to inquire ask for the Religious Ed Director Carmen Bonillas. Printable Registration Form
RCIA "Rite fo Christian Iniciation of Adults"
- Sacraments for adults: the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults(RCIA) Register in the office, Candidates and Catechumens (Easter Vigil 2026) Register in office.
- Following documents must be presented: 1) A certified Birth Certificate for those seeking Baptism 2) A current dated Baptismal Certificate for those seeking additional Sacraments 3) for those to be Baptized or confirmed, they will need a sponsor who has been confirmed in the Catholic Church and is practicing the Catholic faith with a copy of their confirmation certificate. Printable Adult Registration Form
- Register at the parish office with copies of your baptism & 1st Communion certificates. Donation $60