
Join a ministry today!                  Ministries at Sacred Heart Parish

  • Estudio de la Biblia en Español se reunen todos los Martes en el Salón #2 de la escuela de 7:00pm-9pm.
  • Bible Study in English on Mondays at 5:30pm in the Library. 
  • Board of Directors meets when called.  
  • Choir. (English & Spanish)  Janet Gaspari
  • Religious Education Classes for school ages meets every Sunday morning @ 8:30 in the school classrooms.  Contact Carmen Bonillas at 520-867-8579 for enrollment.  School year classes start in August & end in April.  
  • Eucharist Ministers/Lectors Pedro and Lorena Orduña.    
  • Eucharistic Mininsters to the Homebound.  Contact Pat James at 520-888-1530.    
  • Finance Committee.   Contact Fr. Gonzalo 520-838-0855 if you have questions or expertise in finance & can help the Parish.
  • Guadalupanos.  Acompañanos a rezar el Rosario a nuestra Señora de Guadalupe todos los Jueves de 6-7pm en el Salón de Inmaculada. 
  • Hospitality Ushers. Contact Robert at the 10:00am Mass. Ushers are the welcoming faces of our parish community. Contacta Francisco Garcia para las misas de Español al 520-370-8921.
  • Knights of Columbus. Men serving our Parish. Contact KoC President Arturo Salazar 520-820-3332.
  • Library.  by appointment. Contact Pat 520-888-1530.
  • Art & Decor Committee meets when necessary. Contact Lorena Orduña at 520-401-9694.
  • Matrimonios Acompañenos para que su fe sea más fuerte y su relación con el Señor más intima. Todos los Miercoles de 7-9pm. En el Salón de Inmaculada a espaldas del Templo del Sagrado Corazón.
  • Food Pantry.  Hours of operation Wednesdays and Saturdays from 9:00 am to 11:00am. Next to Immaculada Hall.
  • Parish Council. Contact Father Gonzalo at 520-838-0855 for information.  Meetings on the 2nd Monday of the month at 6:30pm
  • Rite of Christian Initiation-Adults(RCIA). Become a Catholic.  Contact Pat 520-888-1530. The inquiry meeting starts in the fall, then changes to the formal catechumenate until the Easter Vigil when the new catholic received the sacraments.
  • Grupo de Oración.  Grupo Timón ser reune todos los Martes en el Salón Venuti de 6-8pm.
  • Safe Environment Program. Contact Violanda Sullivan 520-867-8579.  Educate yourself about battered children and sexual abuse of minors and elder adults. All who serve in a ministry must register and comply with the Code of Conduct and Guidelines for Safety in our Parish and  Diocese. 
  • Youth Ministry. Contact Josie-520-261-8974 ys2heart@gmail.com .  All teens welcome. Begins with parent meeting in September at 9:00am for English and 11:00am for Spanish. All parents are required to attend.